
Dean Winchester Makeup & Cosplay

1:28 PM mssoellegant 0 Comments

Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) is one of the leading characters from the American television series Supernatural. Dean is a human who hunt spirits and paranormal creatures with the help of his younger brother Sam, his fathers old family friend Bobby Singer, and his best friend the angel Castiel.

So you want to dress up like Dean Winchester, huh?  Do a little Supernatural cosplay? In my opinion, Dean’s style of dress in Supernatural is pretty timeless. Heck, he even went back in time in one episode, and his wardrobe didn’t seem too out of place.  If you’re cosplaying as Dean Winchester or just love the look, I can see why.  It’s pretty simple and masculine.  I mean, you’re wearing boots, jeans and flannel.  How do you get manlier than that?

Before you don yourself with boots and leather jacket look a like, make sure you have these 10 essentials:

  1. Dean is always wearing some awesome looking jacket.  For true Supernatural cosplay and to be a real badass, you’ll have to get yourself a leather jacket.  Don’t forget to slightly pop the collar.  Not too much, just enough to let everyone know you are one cool dude.
  2. You cant be Dean without the tough guy 'tude. With a raspy voice, witty quips and the right facial expressions, no one’s gonna mess with you.
  3. If you are going to cosplay Dean Winchester, you have to get the music right.  No rap, no country, no pop. Just classic rock. Don’t be surprised if strangers start mistaking you as a character from Supernatural if you’ve made it this far down the list.  But we’re not finished yet. 
  4.  You’re not just going for a character from the show, but THEE character from the show. You can’t just wear any old pair of shoes or boots.  You need footwear that strikes fear into the hearts of demons, angels, and enemies alike. Courtesy of: your sole. No not your soul, your sole.
  5. Drink whiskey.  Straight.  Mixing hard alcohol is for wusses.  And you’re not a wuss, are you? Ok, so you’re just cosplaying.  Maybe you don’t want to be wasted 24/7.  That’s understandable.  So you need to find a good replacement.  Apple juice in a whiskey bottle?  No one will ever know, and you keep your badassery in check.
  6. Dude, Don’t Forget the Pie! Eat! Greasy burgers, greasy fries, gas station junk food, and of course, pie.  If you haven’t consumed at least a few thousand calories worth of junk in a day, you’re doing something very wrong. You’re a hunter!  You risk your life fighting evil bad guys all day long.  You’re sure to die in some gruesome and horribly painful way at the hands of one of the monsters you hunt.  No need to fear a puny little heart attack.
  7. Be Fiercely Loyal to Family - Whether it’s your adopted fallen angel brother, or your real brother that you’ve raised since you were a kid yourself, you are loyal.  No questions asked, they come first, everything else comes second. Just how loyal is “fiercely” loyal?  For starters, you should have zero problems with waltzing into Hell to save your brother.  Also, if your fallen angel buddy absorbs the souls of thousands of creatures from purgatory, thus becoming the most powerful angel to ever exist, you’d stand up to him.  Sure, he could erase you from existence without so much as batting an eyelash, but he’s your brother, and you’d do anything to help him. Even die.
  8. Wear a Sentimental Necklace - Ok, so your little brother may not have given you a God-detecting amulet necklace when you were a kid.  If you need one, you can get a great deal on Dean’s amulet. You’re a badass tough guy.  But you have a soft side, and a bit of sentimental jewelry can’t hurt, right? Speaking of your soft side…
  9. Have a Sentimental Side. You are one tough son-of-a-bitch.  People avoid looking directly at you out of fear and respect.  But buried deep, deep down inside of your hard outer shell is a soft core. But you’re Dean Winchester.  You can count on one hand how many people have seen you cry, or show any sensitive emotion.  So until you’ve been to Hell and back multiple times, and have had to sacrifice your soul for your little brother’s life…You don’t know what emotion is.
  10. Be Awesome. Last but not least, be awesome.  Dean Winchester cosplay isn’t just about the clothes and the attitude.  It’s about an overall awesomeness.  When you walk into the room, people just notice you.  You can’t help it, it’s just the way you are. Be sure to let people know you’re awesome.  Especially after you accomplish something great, like stopping the Apocalypse, or surviving purgatory with help from a vampire and an angel, for example.
Now onto the hard part... Makeup.

Take 1

Until next time. - D💋

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