aaliyah jay,


4:04 PM mssoellegant 4 Comments

One benefit of being a millennial is that I am constantly "plugged in". I find myself, like many others, constantly looking for new trends and things to buy (it’s a problem, yes I am aware). Shoes are up there at the top of my list along with makeup. I recently found the company EGO Official, which I usually saw pop up across a popular Instagram account -> Aaliyah Jay. She was modeling the Ariana Perspex White Sandal With Glitter Heel and made them look like they were spun in heaven and dipped in diamonds! 

I HAD to have them! I headed over to the facebook page to do a bit a research and I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful works of art! So I went ahead to their website and was greeted by a pop-up of 15% of my first purchase (they hooked me). Now I find myself scrolling through to their new Perspex section due to my need for new heels....cause its not like you can ever have enough! I thought they would go especially well with the outfits I don't seem to have any shoes for! So I quickly added them to my cart and checked out using PayPal, my go to. 

Ordered Friday, July 29th - TOTAL: £31.48 GBP / $42.60 USD
  • Shoes Alone - £29.99 GBP
  • Shipping - £5.99 GBP
  • Discount - -£4.50 GBP
  • Tax - £0.00 GBP
negatinegatiFor me this is where things got hairy.... I didn't expect my shoes to be shipped out over the weekend so I patiently waited through the next week for a shipping notification containing a tracking number to allow me to religiously stalk my package until it gets here....Saturday comes & goes and nothing.... so i send an email to the ego help desk the following Monday, August 8th. I waited two days with no response, so on Wednesday I commented on a post that had been posted the same day stating I had sent an email and gotten no reply I wanted to see if my order had shipped and I left the order number. I Received a reply from the page and they explained the shoe wasn't in stock and was actually "pre-ordered" but they ensured me it was being sent out the same day and I would receive an email when it shipped. Well 7 o'clock EST passes on Friday August 14th and I still have NOT received a shipping email! The next day I sent the Ego FB page a private message with screen shots of my other encounters with this awful customer service. I explain how I am not happy and this is ridiculous... To my pleasure they offered a shipping refund and again assured me that my item was being shipped out. That tamed my flame.... for the time being. I did receive my refund via PayPal the same day.

Shipping Refund - Monday, August 15th

I finally received an email on Wednesday and received my shoes from USPS the following Wednesday.

Shipping Notification - Wednesday, August 17th

Delivered - Wednesday, August 24th

The box comes in a cute little sealed shopping bag. The shoes themselves are TO-DIE-FOR! Not to mention they are affordable compared to places like Charlotte Russe & Kohls, and great quality. 

This model shoe is not the easiest to walk in, not even for a seasoned heel veteran like myself. Despite my seemingly unsuccessful buying attempt I will be trying again! Of course I love the shoe so I thought "I'll get some that are easier to walk in...." so I made another purchase for these bad boys on Friday, September 30th. 

I wanted to give it another fair shot so I ordered it the same way on the same day as my first purchase, so we shall see if they can live up to the hype. View that post HERE.<- amp="" font="" go="" its="" ready="" to="" up="" when="">

Until next time. - D💋 

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  1. check out my review on ego shoes https://youtu.be/fbc2AZJUFs8

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