aaliyah jay,

EGO Shoes Take 2 - @EGOOFFICIAL Review

11:40 AM mssoellegant 0 Comments

If you haven't seen my first review of @EGOOfficial, it's a must read before you continue on with this review... find it HERE. Recently I found the company EGO, while perusing popular instagram accounts. After seeing the new perspex trend, I knew I HAD to have them! However after my first purchase I was reluctant. Not only did I have problems with shipping and customer service, but the shoes themselves are extremely hard to walk in. I wanted to give it another shot so I ordered a pair I thought would be easier to walk in. I chose the Tasha Perspex Clear Ankle Boot, can you say "Hello gorgeous!"

I placed my order the same way on the same day as my first purchase, to give a fair comparison. They were having a sale of 20% off that day so I got an even bigger discount than the normal new subscriber discount of 15% that pops up when you first enter the site. I would like to note, when dealing with customer service before they had used the excuse that my order was actually a pre-order, so I included this confirmation that shows the shoe I order IS available and in stock. I also added a screenshot of the estimated delivery date when I was checking out.

Ordered Friday, September 30th - TOTAL: £37.98 GBP / 46.77 USD

  • Shoes Alone - £39.99 GBP / $49.25 USD
  • Shipping - £5.99 GBP
  • Discount - -£8.00 GBP
  • Tax - £0.00 GBP

Shipping Notification (Your Order Is On Its Way - Literally the email said this.) - Wednesday, October 5th

Shipping Update (Not Long Now! We estimate your order to be delivered within 3 business days - Again this is what the email said.) - Friday, October 7th

Delivered - Friday, October 14th

All in all I would say I am much happier with my experience this go around, but still not too excited about the delivery times. Will I order another pair... probably (LOL). At least you know what to expect right? The price we pay for gorgeous shoes!

If you have ordered from this brand, please leave a comment and share your experience as well!

Until next time. - D💋

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