
Too Faced - Christmas in New York 2016 - Grande Hotel Cafe Review

9:46 PM mssoellegant 0 Comments

When it comes to holiday releases, brands get us excited for Christmas in September, and Too Faced always steals the show. We already know we love the brand's products, so when they are wrapped in adorable festive packaging, we lose our minds. Last year, the collection was Paris, France themed. This year, Too Faced is celebrating the city that never sleeps, New York City. So the Eiffel Tower is iconic, but NYC during the holidays is an experience unlike any other.

The products are decorated for kids in a candy store! The gift set is a hotel shaped box that literally opens up to reveal three coffee scented palettes of magic inside, plus a deluxe treat that’s better than sex! You'll just have to have it for every occasion this holiday season!

Too Faced Grand Hotel Café, $49
Where to buy: Sephora – Too Faced – ULTA

This cozy-café set was inspired by one of Too Faced founder Jerrod Blandino’s favorite NYC hotels, and opens to reveal three scented palettes: Peppermint Mocha, Gingerbread Coffee, and Eggnog Latte. In total, there are 18 eyeshadows, two blushes, a bronzer, a deluxe size of Better Than Sex Mascara, and a step-by-step how-to Glamour Guide with three beauty for each palette. Each palette has a scent that reflects it name. It is exciting to see TF expand the scent portfolio beyond chocolate and peach!

Eggnog Latte features coffee-toned shadows including cold brew and one very lust-worthy metallic-green.

Peppermint Mocha is all about peppermint flair with colors like candy cane, sprinkles, & coffee chip!

Gingerbread Coffee holds a mix of deep browns and gingersnap gold with a punch packing icy winter's dream!

They have a faint smell of each delicious scent and I really love the colors that are paired in each palette. They really go well with together. Plus if you wanted to give this as a gift, not only can you gift it to one person but you can separate each palette and give them to multiple friends or family members for the holidays!

So far I really love these palettes. All of the shades kick a**! They are creamy, pigmented, easy to blend and look beautiful on the eyes. The shimmer shades typically have a lot of fall out with them. That would be my only con to this set but I myself love working with glitter, shimmer, and baked shades!

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Until next time. - D💋

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Dean Winchester Makeup & Cosplay

1:28 PM mssoellegant 0 Comments

Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) is one of the leading characters from the American television series Supernatural. Dean is a human who hunt spirits and paranormal creatures with the help of his younger brother Sam, his fathers old family friend Bobby Singer, and his best friend the angel Castiel.

So you want to dress up like Dean Winchester, huh?  Do a little Supernatural cosplay? In my opinion, Dean’s style of dress in Supernatural is pretty timeless. Heck, he even went back in time in one episode, and his wardrobe didn’t seem too out of place.  If you’re cosplaying as Dean Winchester or just love the look, I can see why.  It’s pretty simple and masculine.  I mean, you’re wearing boots, jeans and flannel.  How do you get manlier than that?

Before you don yourself with boots and leather jacket look a like, make sure you have these 10 essentials:

  1. Dean is always wearing some awesome looking jacket.  For true Supernatural cosplay and to be a real badass, you’ll have to get yourself a leather jacket.  Don’t forget to slightly pop the collar.  Not too much, just enough to let everyone know you are one cool dude.
  2. You cant be Dean without the tough guy 'tude. With a raspy voice, witty quips and the right facial expressions, no one’s gonna mess with you.
  3. If you are going to cosplay Dean Winchester, you have to get the music right.  No rap, no country, no pop. Just classic rock. Don’t be surprised if strangers start mistaking you as a character from Supernatural if you’ve made it this far down the list.  But we’re not finished yet. 
  4.  You’re not just going for a character from the show, but THEE character from the show. You can’t just wear any old pair of shoes or boots.  You need footwear that strikes fear into the hearts of demons, angels, and enemies alike. Courtesy of: your sole. No not your soul, your sole.
  5. Drink whiskey.  Straight.  Mixing hard alcohol is for wusses.  And you’re not a wuss, are you? Ok, so you’re just cosplaying.  Maybe you don’t want to be wasted 24/7.  That’s understandable.  So you need to find a good replacement.  Apple juice in a whiskey bottle?  No one will ever know, and you keep your badassery in check.
  6. Dude, Don’t Forget the Pie! Eat! Greasy burgers, greasy fries, gas station junk food, and of course, pie.  If you haven’t consumed at least a few thousand calories worth of junk in a day, you’re doing something very wrong. You’re a hunter!  You risk your life fighting evil bad guys all day long.  You’re sure to die in some gruesome and horribly painful way at the hands of one of the monsters you hunt.  No need to fear a puny little heart attack.
  7. Be Fiercely Loyal to Family - Whether it’s your adopted fallen angel brother, or your real brother that you’ve raised since you were a kid yourself, you are loyal.  No questions asked, they come first, everything else comes second. Just how loyal is “fiercely” loyal?  For starters, you should have zero problems with waltzing into Hell to save your brother.  Also, if your fallen angel buddy absorbs the souls of thousands of creatures from purgatory, thus becoming the most powerful angel to ever exist, you’d stand up to him.  Sure, he could erase you from existence without so much as batting an eyelash, but he’s your brother, and you’d do anything to help him. Even die.
  8. Wear a Sentimental Necklace - Ok, so your little brother may not have given you a God-detecting amulet necklace when you were a kid.  If you need one, you can get a great deal on Dean’s amulet. You’re a badass tough guy.  But you have a soft side, and a bit of sentimental jewelry can’t hurt, right? Speaking of your soft side…
  9. Have a Sentimental Side. You are one tough son-of-a-bitch.  People avoid looking directly at you out of fear and respect.  But buried deep, deep down inside of your hard outer shell is a soft core. But you’re Dean Winchester.  You can count on one hand how many people have seen you cry, or show any sensitive emotion.  So until you’ve been to Hell and back multiple times, and have had to sacrifice your soul for your little brother’s life…You don’t know what emotion is.
  10. Be Awesome. Last but not least, be awesome.  Dean Winchester cosplay isn’t just about the clothes and the attitude.  It’s about an overall awesomeness.  When you walk into the room, people just notice you.  You can’t help it, it’s just the way you are. Be sure to let people know you’re awesome.  Especially after you accomplish something great, like stopping the Apocalypse, or surviving purgatory with help from a vampire and an angel, for example.
Now onto the hard part... Makeup.

Take 1

Until next time. - D💋

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World Trade Center & 9/11 - 15 Year Anniversay

11:48 AM mssoellegant 0 Comments

On an almost achingly beautiful late summer morning, life in America, as well as most of the world, was changed irrevocably in the space of less than two hours. I have lived in Louisville all my life along with most of my family. I can remember on this specific day, I was 10 years old, sitting in my social studies class at Westport middle school. Around 8:45 in the morning, our principle came over the loud speaker, telling all faculty to stop class and turn on our classroom televisions.

This Tuesday, September 11 2001, the two Twin Towers of the WTC in New York City, and the Pentagon in Washington D.C, were struck by airplanes that were hijacked by terrorists. The attacks were part of a strategic plan of the terrorist group al-Qaeda, a global militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in Pakistan around 1988.

I will tell you about the World Trade Centers as they used to be on and before September 11, 2001, the events of the 9/11 attacks, as well as the aftermath from this tragic occurrence.

In the year 1959 the Downtown Lower Manhattan Association was created by real estate developer David Rockefeller, to revitalize lower Manhattan and begins to promote the idea of a "world trade and finance center" in New York City. In March 1966 the construction began. The two towers were surrounded by five other buildings that comprised the complex. At 110 stories each, WTC 1, the North Tower, and WTC 2, the South Tower, provided nearly 10 million square feet of office space for 50,000 employees and 430 companies. They were the tallest buildings in the world until the construction of Chicago’s Sears Tower. They attracted roughly 70,000 tourists and 150,000 subway commuters every day. The towers contained 239 elevators and had 43,600 windows. Each floor was an acre in size and the complex even had its own zip code. The core of the towers housed the elevator, utility shafts, restrooms, three stairwells, and other support spaces.

They were a tube within a tube structure, made of the outer walls, and the inner core. The cores of those towers were not reinforced concrete, or concrete at all. They were 2 layers of 2 inch thick GYPSOME BOARD, also known as sheetrock. The tube frame design created a relatively lightweight structure that would sway more in response to the wind compared to traditional structures such as the Empire State Building. The core of the towers housed the elevator and utility shafts, restrooms, three stairwells, and other support spaces.

On February 26 1993, terrorists detonate 1,500 pounds of explosives in a van parked in the underground public parking lot of the WTC, two levels below the North Tower. The attack kills six people, including a pregnant woman, injures more than 1,000 people and creates a five-story crater beneath the towers. The WTC reopens for business on March 19 and The Port Authority of New York implements a $250 million upgrade plan focusing on life safety and security. 1994 The WTC is designated one of the "Seven Wonders of the Modern World" by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

The morning of 9/11, 19 terrorists hijacked four fuel-loaded commercial airline jets bound for west coast destinations, the two that hit the twin towers out of Boston, Massachusetts. American Airlines flight 11 hit the WTC north building at approximately 8:46 AM between floors 94 and 98. Seventeen minutes later, at 9:03 AM, United Airlines Flight 175 struck the south tower between floors 78 and 84. 1,200 people were trapped above the point of impact and almost 200 people jumped to a certain death. The heroic efforts of the city’s fire and police departments and other emergency responders helped 25,000 people escape from the site before the unthinkable occurred. The South tower gave way first, crumbling to the ground in nearly 10 seconds at 9:59 a.m., 56 minutes after being hit. The north tower collapsed less than a half hour later, at 10:28 a.m, 102 minutes after impact. The other buildings in the complex were severely damaged by the collapse of the twin towers, and their ruins eventually collapsed or were demolished.

There are 2,749 people known to have been killed at the World Trade Center site, only 58 percent, are identified by recovered physical remains, of the rest, none have been found. On September 12, 2001 the last survivor was rescued from the ruble, from then on their search for survivors turned into a restoration effort, and finally on May 30, 2002, the WTC recovery ended with a public Last Column Ceremony, removing the last debris from the site. I had the pleasure to visit NYC and the WTC complex last December (2013) and was blessed to see what was born from the ashes. In place of the two twin towers now, are 2 memorial water fall pools with the names of every person who died in the terrorist attacks of the WTC, inscribed in bronze. There is a pear tree in the courtyard of the towers, called “The Survivor Tree”. Not without much damage, it survived the collapse. In the northwest corner of the WTC complex, stands the new primary building, One World Trade Center, also called “Freedom Tower”, and is the tallest skyscraper in the western hemisphere. It stands at 1,776 feet, in reference to the year of the United States Declaration of Independence. The other buildings of the complex as well as the 9/11 museum are still under construction. Lastly, in my humble opinion, the 9/11 Tribute Center around the corner on Liberty St. has to be the best dedication to what was endured. During my visit to the center no words were spoken, it was somber, and a place of respect, learning and understanding. The center displays missing person’s flyers, 911 phone calls, firefighter radio communication, family’s voicemails and testimonies, farewell and I love you cards and letters, lost ones pictures, items found in the rubble, and letters from people across the world. It is a shrine and to me really lets you sink in the raw emotion that, still to this day, can and was felt. 

So I took you through the growth of the Twin Towers, the events of 9/11, and how far many have come from the tragedy. Many innocent people were killed, and also American heroes. The type of heroes that each and every one of us see every day but never stop to thank them for devoting their lives to saving others. Not only fire men, police men, and military but also those friends, colleagues, and random strangers who out of their own kindness aided those in need. In my eyes, I not only wrote this speech to inform, but to also honor all of the lives that were lost.

Until next time. - D💋

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adult ballet,

New Pointe Shoes: How To Sew & Break Them In

12:12 PM mssoellegant 0 Comments

I am not sure what else can compare to a brand new sparkling pair of pointe shoes. Unfortunately, they are as stock as they come and are in no way personalized as dancers are very fastidious about the way they sew, break in, and prepare new pointe shoes. Your relationship with your shoes becomes a personal one as your shoes become an extension of yourself. Your pointe shoes will cycle through the “new” to “perfect” to “dead” stages. One way to get the most out of your shoes is to sew them properly. I am going to show you the basics of preparing your pointe shoes and how I like to personalize mine.

Step 1: Gather Materials

  • Scissors
  • Pen
  • Lighter
  • Sewing Kit
  • Elastic
  • Ribbon
  • And of course, pointe shoes (shown below are Capezio Nicolini - These pointe shoes have been discontinued for more than 10 years. They were one of the narrowest pointe shoe models in the Capezio line. The Nicolini fits a small majority of dancers who need a very narrow pointe shoe. Soon these pointe shoes will become a collectors item, along with the Capezio Ultimo and the Dura-Toe. You'll definitely want a pair to add to your collection.)

Step 2: Prepare Your Shoes

Every dancer has her own routine for breaking in her pointe shoes. A few things that I always do when preparing my shoes are:
  • Soften the shoe: Begin by taking the toe box in one hand and the heel in the other. Bend the shoe in the middle, folding it in half, then repeat by folding the opposite way. Continue until you feel like your shoe has "some give".
  • Soften the box: A good ol’ fashioned bang against a hard floor will do the trick, you can also gently massage the sides of the toe box with your hands. Some dancers soften the box by standing on top of their shoes. Be warned, great care must be taken to avoid "breaking" the toe box so I do not recommend using this method. You can also use a wash cloth damped with warm (NOT HOT) water or alcohol as these won't damage or leave stains on the shoe. Try not getting the top of the box wet.
  • Soften the shank: The shank is the stiff mid-sole in the arch of the foot. Gently massage the demi pointe area of the shank, or the area that bends while on relieve. Find the area where your heel ends and your foot begins, bend it there. It's better than bending the exact middle; as that can shorten the life of your shoe and possibly break the shank.
  • Rough the satin: Even with rosin, the satin can be quite slippery. I like to scrape the soles and box of the shoe against a rough surface (usually a sidewalk outside)
  • Dance in them: Nothing can break in your shoes like a few sessions at the barre. Relevés & Pliés, along with any demi pointe exercises will help break in your new shoes..

Step 3: Sew On Elastic

Dancers either sew their elastic on the inside or outside of the shoe. I prefer to have mine hidden so this method will be from the inside. Also note there are 2 main types of elastic and either is fine to use.

  1. Start by folding the back of the shoe inside out.
  2. Sew one end of the elastic directly next to the back seam.
  3. Begin sewing in one corner of the elastic and sew around all four sides as seen above.
  4. Measure where to sew the other end by pulling the elastic across the top of your ankle and make a mark on the inside of the elastic at the point that it feels snug.
  5. Repeat on the other side of the back seam.

Step 4: Sew the Ribbon

There are a few methods when it comes to sewing ribbons which can include using one continuous piece wrapping underneath the arch or cutting in half and adding elastic. First, have a cup of coffee and relax, this might take a while. My sewing method is to place them adjacent to the center seam of the shoe. I prefer this method as it allows the ribbons to lay flush against the top of your feet when you are standing flat and when on pointe. If your pointe shoes have a separate, unattached lining, sew your ribbons onto the lining only. If the lining is bonded to the outer satin and you must sew all the way through, using running stitches throughout.

  1. Take the package of ribbon, fold in half once and again once more.
  2. Cut into four even pieces.
  3. Singe the ends of each ribbon with a lighter to avoid fraying.
  4. Fold the end of the ribbon where you’ll be sewing 1/4 of an inch.

Keep in Mind

  • Some dancers only sew through the canvas layer on the inside of the shoe so that stitches are not visible from the outside. Some dancers also like to sew all the way up to the drawstring casing, but I prefer to stop just below. It is a matter of preference, but be careful never to sew through the drawstring.
  • When tying the drawstring itself, no matter how tempting it may be to cut the extra-resist! You’ll be much happier that you tucked the bow underneath the vamp. You don’t want to accidentally tie it too tight and be stuck with digging drawstrings in your achilles.
  • When tying the ribbons for your shoes, be sure to tie the knot on the inner ankle. Tying the knot on the outside or back of your ankle can be dangerous and cause injuries.
Happy dancing!

Until next time. - D💋 

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Cosplay - Delta Red Cammy White - DIY How To Cammy Gloves

10:09 AM mssoellegant 0 Comments

Cammy, full name Cammy White, has been a character in the Street Fighter universe since the release of the third installment in the game released in 1993. Code name Killer Bee, she was the second female playable character to be introduced after Chun Li. Her role was a deadly assassin that would do Bison’s bidding, she lost her memory and joined the British as an M16 operative and fighter for her new government. Gaining further attention for her sex appeal, creating your own Cammy cosplay will be fun and bad ass!

There are a few things you will need when making your own Cammy costume.

  • Red Beret
  • Long Blonde Wig (Braided into 2 braids)
  • Green Sleeveless Mockneck Bodysuit
  • Red and Yellow Patches (hat and chest) 
  • Nude Tights
  • Army Green Stripes (legs) 
  • Socks & Boots
  • Red Forearm Armor/Fighting Gloves

All of those things can be found and pieced together however there is going to be one thing you wont be able to find without it costing you your arm and leg. That is cammy's gloves, or fighting armor. Screw getting on etsy and trying to pay someone when you can totally make them yourself! I am here to show you how!

I decided to become cammy as my first cosplay, which was also shot by Dragonfly Studios.

It may look fancy but trust me this is going to be easier than you think!

I made the base of the gloves and the knuckles out of 3mm craft foam, you can find it at Hobby Lobby or Michael's. You could also use 1mm, just layer it up.. The thick parts on the ends of the gloves were eva foam. I recommend measuring around your arm and stenciling on the foam before you cut anything out. I used old gardening gloves and chopped the fingers off before I put on the knuckles. Simply glue together with plain old super glue!

You could paint everything in a layer of Modge Podge, the matte kind. It not only primes the surface for the paint, but also adds some strength to the craft foam! I didn't have time nor felt like it so I took them outside and doused them with red spray paint. You can use acrylic paints, but it can take longer to dry.

Only one last tip: watch getting glue on your hands and the surface you are working on because it gets everyyyyyyyywhere!

Until next time. - D💋

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